Functional paragraph
Monday, August 24, 2020
Employees or Independent Contractor-Free-Samples for Students
Questions: 1.Give Veronica legitimate guidance corresponding to the circumstances. 2.Advise Mary with respect to her legitimate position, refering to pertinent statuteand Case Law. Answers: 1.Issue: The issues that would emerge in the given case dependent on the realities of the case are: Regardless of whether there is a vicarious obligation on Veronica for the demonstration of Sylvester? Regardless of whether there is a vicarious obligation on Veronica for the demonstration of Bob? Rules of Law: To address the inquiry whether there was a risk that existed we need to see whether the Sylvester and Bob were representatives or self employed entity (Difference among workers and temporary workers, 2017). On account of Performing Right Society Ltd v Mitchell and Booker (Palais de Danse) Ltd the obligation of the litigant relied upon if the connection between the gatherings was that of individual agreement or boss and representative (Performing Right Society Ltd v Mitchell and Booker (Palais de Danse) Ltd, 1924). The composed agreement between the gatherings had normal long stretches of work, fixed business period, the work environment was directed, administration requests restrictiveness, rundown excusal directly for penetrate of guidance, there was predominant, nitty gritty and persistent control on every single point. These components prompted the choice that the band was a worker (Burnett, 2007). The pressure was laid fair and square of control that was set or the control test f or deciding whether the band was a worker be that as it may, there were different factors too that were thought of. On account of Zuijs v Wirth Bros Pty Ltd (1955) the variables which were considered by the High Court for characterizing the connection among Zuijs and carnival was that the compensation was given in wage structure, outline excusal should be possible dependent on wrongdoing, in spite of the fact that there was no immediate control that the bazaar had over the exhibition of Zuijs act since they didn't have the necessary aptitude there was headings given for different viewpoints (Zuijs v Wirth Bros Pty Ltd, 1955). These elements were considered to add up to business, it was contemplated by High Court that however the presentation of obligations relied upon extraordinary information or expertise or the demonstration of the worker perhaps with the end goal that there is no place for order that existed, this in any case, was not the point what made a difference was the legi timate expert for directing thus far as there is degree to do likewise. This case is the expert for the rule that it isn't the real control however the option to control which is fundamental. To respond to the subject of risk we need to glance through the idea of vicarious obligation, there is vicarious risk on the business for the demonstration of the worker or any oversight if the equivalent is finished throughout his business. As opined on account of Llyod v Grace Smith the general standard for risk is that the business is at risk for the extortion and untrustworthy direct or exclusion of the worker if such a demonstration was done inside the representative course of business (Llyod v Grace Smith, 1912). On account of New South Wales v Lepore (Thomson, 2012) it was opined by Gleeson CJ that (New South Wales v Lepore, 2003): Not everything that a representative accomplishes at work, or during working hours, is adequately associated with the obligations and duties of the worker to be viewed as inside the extent of the business. What's more, the way that bad behavior happens away from the work environment, or outside ordinary working hours, isn't indisputable against risk. On account of Ffrench v Sestili a valuable investigation of this test has been made where the representative had abused the assets throughout his work (Ffrench v Sestili, 2007). The Full Court Supreme Courts choice, Debelle HJ in simultaneousness with Layton HJ and Sulan HJ contained a valuable refining of the standards from the case law regarding the vicarious risk principle. There were two recommendations that were refered to by Debelle which were important, first the way that it was purposefully that the representative had occupied with a lead that was criminal or other break of law may not be adequate for denying vicarious obligation and second the way that such direct which was locked in by the worker was in opposition to the guidelines that the business had given was not adequate for denying the vicarious risk. As for individual obligation in a business structure of a sole dealer there is close to home risk on the proprietor of the business structure regarding each part of the business (Sole merchant, 2017). There is an individual risk for all parts of the business which incorporates a business liabilities or obligations. There can't be any sharing of this obligations. For all parts of maintaining the business there is an individual obligation (Adams, 2015 p. 78). Use of Law Veronica and Sylvester, there will be an individual obligation on Veronica for the demonstrations of Sylvester. It tends to be seen as on account of As saw on account of Performing Right Society Ltd v Mitchell and Booker (Palais de Danse) Ltd applying the control test and Zuijs v Wirth Bros Pty Ltd that however the presentation of obligations relied upon extraordinary information or expertise or the demonstration of the representative possibly with the end goal that there is no place for order that existed, this notwithstanding, was not the point what made a difference was the legal expert for directing thus far as there is extension to do a similar along these lines Sylvester is a worker and not an individual contractual worker. There will be a vicarious obligation on Veronica for the demonstration Sylvester as opined on account of Llyod v Grace Smith since it was in his extent of work. Further as on account of New South Wales v Lepore it doesn't make a difference on the off chance that it was not in the working environment that the demonstration happened. Further on account of Ffrench v Sestili the obligation would not be expelled simply because the demonstration was not in circle of work or the way that it was not taught by the representative. Accordingly being a sole dealer she will be by and by at risk for the demonstration of Sylvester. Veronica and Bob, albeit like Sylvester Bob is was likewise a representative anyway he had been terminated by Veronica accordingly according to the Llyod v Grace the demonstration was not inside the course of his work as he was not, at this point the worker of Veronica End Veronica being a sole merchant and boss would be vicariously subject for the demonstration of Sylvester however not for the demonstration Bob. 2.Issues The issue is in the given circumstance that: Regardless of whether there is an installment obligation on the organization for the installment to Mary for the acquisition of reviewing instruments? Regardless of whether there is installment obligation on the organization for the installment to Mary for the acquisition of small scale oil drillers? Rules of Law For replying of issue as for the presence of installment obligation it is basic to under the idea of exchange which there between the gatherings. The area 5 of the Partnership Act (Cth,) states that the accomplices of a firm are its operators and they are likewise for the reasons for completing the business different accomplices specialists, this business is required to be in the ususal way, and it is a part accomplice who has embraced such a demonstration, at that point all things considered the accomplices and the firm will be limited by such a demonstration. Except if, a proof is there for the way that there was no position that the accomplice who was following up for the sake of the firm had for acting in such way and the person with whom the exchange was made was either mindful of it or if not mindful didn't accept that there was such power that existed. There exists between the organizations accomplices a trustee relationship, there is an obligation that an accomplice owes towards different firms accomplices when he is activity for the benefit of the firm as its specialist and their exists an obligation comparably for the accomplices which they owe towards the accomplices who is following up in the interest of the firm as was opined on account of (Phillips-Higgins v Harper, 1954). For the firm to be held subject for a demonstration which is finished by one of its accomplices with no expert for doing such a demonstration in the way that it has been done it is required that there ought to be four prerequisites that should be consented to as referenced beneath (Fletcher, 2007, p 110): First: The exchange ought to be entered by an accomplice. Second: It is inside the businesss scope that the exchange or act ought to be finished. Third: It must be inside the typical way that it is affected. Fourth Requirement: Essential that the executing party is ignorant of the way that the accomplice executing has not authority or accepts or realizes that such authority is isn't there. On account of National Banking Corporation of Australia Ltd. v Batty it was opined by the High Court that the rest of the accomplices would in any case be held subject for a demonstration regardless of whether it had been finished by the accomplice without the accomplice having any genuine authority of doing such a demonstration (National Banking Corporation of Australia Ltd. v Batty, 1986). Further on account of Watteau v. Fenwick (Watteau v. Fenwick, 1893) it was opined by the court that the tenet of head and operator will apply once it has been set up that the chief is the respondent. The risk of the considerable number of demonstrations of the specialist will be with the head. For an exchange which has been gone into by the accomplice of the firm, there may exist an obligation on the firm for such exchange despite the fact that the exchange has not been gone into by the firm. The case is so when the exchange which has been gone into by the firm is for the most part in a similar industry (Mercantile Credit Co Ltd v Garrod, 1962). In spite of the fact that, on account of Goldberg v Jenkins (1889) 15 VLR 36 (Goldberg v Jenkins, 1889) it was opined that in the circumstance wherein the exchange made is past the typical method of the firm then all things considered the firm can't be bound to such exchange Use of Law There is an agreement of offer and buy that had been entered among Mary and Smith for looking over provisions and small scale oil driller. The agreement for t
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The link between the number of carbon atoms in a fuel with the amount of energy it releases :: GCSE Chemistry Coursework Investigation
The connection between the quantity of carbon molecules in a fuel with the measure of vitality it discharges Alcohols for the most part have a place with exacerbates whose atoms depend on chains of carbon molecules. They normally contain one oxygen molecule, which is joined to a carbon molecule by a solitary bond. This makes them extraordinary to different mixes. The oxygen iota is joined to the hydrogen particle as well as the carbon molecule, which makes the oxygen a piece of a hydroxyl gathering. These iotas are commonly a piece of a hydrocarbon chain. These alcohols can remove water from the body, in which a hydrocarbon chain has supplanted a hydrogen iota. Alcohols have a general structure of CnH2n+1OH The point of this examination is to see the connection between the numbers of carbon molecule in a fuel with the measure of vitality it discharges. There would be an adjustment in the measure of vitality emitted that is getting more prominent, the more carbon iotas in the fuel, the more there are more bonds to be broken and framed, in this manner creating more vitality. ‘In a concoction response, bonds in the reactant atom are broken and new ones are framed. Molecules are revised. Vitality must be placed in to break bonds, and vitality is given out when bonds are formed.’ When the all out vitality put in is more prominent than the vitality put out, the substance chills off (it is endothermic). This is communicated as Þ†+ve (delta positive). On the off chance that the complete vitality put in is not exactly the vitality made, at that point the substance heats up (it is exothermic). This is communicated as Þ†- ve (delta negative). I will explore eight unique alcohols utilizing a liquor or soul burner, to gauge the vitality change during consuming them by estimating the adjustment in temperature of some water held by a holder. This holder must have an estimation of explicit warmth limit so I could figure heat moved to it also. Presumably the most conductive holder accessible for use in the study hall is a calorimeter. Too as not squandering vitality in the warming of the compartment, I could likewise attempt to prevent heat from getting away from the top and edges of the holder by covering it with a fitting top. I will attempt to keep the breeze from blowing the blazes to an alternate bearing so all the windows must be close. Speculation More vitality is discharged as more bonds are shaped, beneath is the rundown of estimated vitality required to break and structure all bond associated with consuming alcohols Kind OF BOND ENERGY REQUIRED TO BREAK THE BOND (j)
Saturday, July 25, 2020
Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Kids
Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Kids PTSD Treatment Print Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Kids By Matthew Tull, PhD twitter Matthew Tull, PhD is a professor of psychology at the University of Toledo, specializing in post-traumatic stress disorder. Learn about our editorial policy Matthew Tull, PhD Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on August 05, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on September 22, 2019 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Overview Symptoms & Diagnosis Causes & Risk Factors Treatment Living With In Children izusek / Getty Images Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) was developed for children suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms, primarily from the experience of sexual abuse. The consequences of being exposed to a traumatic event, including PTSD, are more commonly studied among adults; however, traumatic exposure and symptoms of PTSD can also occur in children, showing the need for therapy for children with PTSD.? Studies have found that a large number of children are exposed to traumatic events before the age of 16. Although the types of traumatic events children are exposed to and the effect they have on a childs well-being vary, one traumatic event that has a high likelihood of leading to mental health problems among children is the ?experience of sexual abuse. Effects of Childhood Trauma Treating PTSD in Children When children are experiencing PTSD symptoms, what kind of treatment is best? There are a number of effective treatments for PTSD in adults. However, these treatments may not be as helpful for children. Children may have a lower awareness of emotions than adults and may struggle to effectively express certain emotions. Children may also have a poorer understanding of their symptoms or why they are experiencing the symptoms they have. Finally, some of the concepts in common treatments for PTSD in adults may be too difficult for children to grasp. Given this, Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) was developed. An Overview of TF-CBT TF-CBT is considered a cognitive-behavioral treatment. That is, it largely addresses PTSD symptoms by targeting maladaptive and unhealthy thoughts and behaviors that a victim of sexual abuse might experience. For example, TF-CBT may help children modify inaccurate beliefs that lead to unhealthy behaviors, such as beliefs that they are to blame for the abuse. It also identifies unhealthy patterns of behaviors (for example, acting out or isolating) or fear responses to certain stimuli and attempts to modify these by identifying healthier ways of responding to certain stimuli or in particular situations. TF-CBT is also unique in that it incorporates an intervention for parents or caregivers who were not involved in the abuse. Children and parents each participate in therapy; first separately and then in joint sessions. Parents learn stress management techniques, healthy parenting techniques, and how to better communicate with their child. TF-CBT recognizes that the support of the parent or caregiver is very important to the childs recovery. It also recognizes that parents may experience considerable distress as a result of their childs sexual abuse, and this distress needs to be addressed so it doesnt interfere with parenting. How Does TF-CBT Address PTSD Symptoms? TF-CBT is considered short-term treatment. It generally lasts about 12 to 18 sessions and each session may last 60 to 90 minutes. TF-CBT addresses PTSD symptoms by taking children and parents/caregivers through the following components: Psychoeducation and parenting skills. Therapists provide children and parents with information on sexual abuse and the types of symptoms that may come up in response to this kind of traumatic event. Parents are taught ways to effectively manage behavioral problems, as well as how to better communicate with their child.Relaxation. Children are taught ways to manage their anxiety through relaxation.Emotional expression and regulation. The therapist assists the child and parents in how to manage emotions related to the abuse in a healthy and effective way. For example, children are taught how to identify and express their emotions, as well as engage in self-soothing exercises when experiencing intense emotions.Coping with thoughts. Children are assisted in identifying maladaptive thoughts about sexual abuse (for example, self-blame) and how to work through these thoughts.Creation of a trauma narrative. Children are taken through exposure exercises, such as talking about the event or wri ting about the event. Children may also create a symbolic representation of the event through drawing or play.In vivo exposure. The therapist gradually exposes the child to trauma reminders so that the child learns how to effectively manage their fear response, as well as reduce avoidance behaviors.Joint parent-child sessions. The parent and child work together to improve communication and learn how to discuss the abuse in a healthy and therapeutic manner.Staying safe and maintaining recovery. The therapist provides the child and parents with information on how to be safe in future situations, so as to avoid future abuse. Information on how to maintain and continue with the recovery process is also discussed. Is TF-CBT Effective? Overall, studies have found that TF-CBT is effective in reducing symptoms of PTSD, as well as other problems (for example, depression, behavioral problems, shame) among children exposed to sexual abuse. In addition, TF-CBT appears to be more effective than other types of treatment approaches that may be used with children with a history of sexual abuse, such as supportive therapy or play therapy. In addition, gains made in TF-CBT have been found to be maintained up to two years following the end of therapy. TF-CBT also appears to help parents and caregivers who were not involved in the childs abuse. Parents report lower levels of depression, distress about the abuse, and symptoms of PTSD. It has also been found that TF-CBT increases parents ability to support their child.? Finding a Therapist Who Provides TF-CBT If you are interested in learning more about TF-CBT, you can visit the website of the Medical University of South Carolina National Crime Victims Research and Treatment Center. Information on TF-CBT is also provided on the website of the United States Department of Health and Human Services. To find a therapist who provides TF-CBT, you would first want to find a therapist who specializes and has experience in the treatment of children with trauma. You may be able to find such a therapist through websites that are designed to connect you with treatment providers in your area. In addition to providing resources for families who have a child that is dealing with the consequences of sexual abuse, the Sidran Institute also provides information on therapists who may specialize in the treatment of children who are victims of sexual abuse.
Friday, May 22, 2020
A Biography of Sadie Tanner Mossell Alexander
As a leading civil rights, political, and legal advocate for African-Americans and women, Sadie Tanner Mossell Alexander is considered to be a fighter for social justice. When Alexander was awarded an honorary degree from the University of Pennsylvania in 1947, she was described as: â€Å"[...] [A]n active worker for civil rights, she has been a steady and forceful advocate on the national, state, and municipal scene, reminding people everywhere that freedoms are won not only by idealism but by persistence and will over a long time[†¦]†Some of her greatest achievements where: 1921: First African-American woman to receive a Ph.D. in the United States.1921: First African-American to receive a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Pennsylvania.1927: First African-American woman to enroll and earn a law degree from the University of Pennsylvania.1943: First woman to hold a national office in the National Bar Association. Alexanders Family Legacy Alexander came from a family with a rich legacy. Her maternal grandfather, Benjamin Tucker Tanner was appointed the bishop of the African Method Episcopal Church. Her aunt, Halle Tanner Dillon Johnson was the first African-American woman to receive a license to practice medicine in Alabama. And her uncle was internationally acclaimed artist Henry Ossawa Tanner. Her father, Aaron Albert Mossell, was the first African-American to graduate from the University of Pennsylvania Law School in 1888. Her uncle, Nathan Francis Mossell, was the first African-American physician to graduate from the University of Pennsylvania Medical School and co-founded the Frederick Douglass Hospital in 1895. Early Life and Education Born in Philadelphia in 1898, as Sarah Tanner Mossell, she would be called Sadie throughout her life. Throughout her childhood, Alexander would live between Philadelphia and Washington D.C. with her mother and older siblings. In 1915, she graduated from the M Street School and attended the University of Pennsylvania School of Education. Alexander graduated with a bachelors degree in 1918 and the following year, Alexander received her masters degree in economics. Awarded the Francis Sergeant Pepper fellowship, Alexander went on to become the first African- American woman to receive a Ph.D. in the United States. Of this experience, Alexander said â€Å"I can well remember marching down Broad Street from Mercantile Hall to the Academy of Music where there were photographers from all over the world taking my picture.†After receiving her Ph.D. in economics from University of Pennsylvanias Wharton School of Business, Alexander accepted a position with the North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company where she worked for two years before returning to Philadelphia to marry Raymond Alexander in 1923. The First Female African-American Lawyer Soon after marrying Raymond Alexander, she enrolled in the University of Pennsylvanias Law School where she became a very active student, working as a contributing writer and associate editor on the University of Pennsylvania Law Review. In 1927, Alexander graduated from the University of Pennsylvania School of Law and later became the first African-American woman to pass and be admitted to the Pennsylvania State Bar. For thirty-two years, Alexander worked with her husband, specializing in family and estate law. In addition to practicing law, Alexander was served as Assistant City Solicitor for the City of Philadelphia from 1928 to 1930 and again from 1934 to 1938. Trumans Committee of Human Rights The Alexanders were active participants in the Civil Rights Movement and practiced civil rights law as well. While her husband served on the city council, Alexander was appointed to President Harry Trumans Committee of Human Rights in 1947. In this position, Alexander helped to develop the concept of a national civil rights policy when she co-authored the report, To Secure These Rights. In the report, Alexander argues that Americansâ€â€regardless of gender or raceâ€â€should be granted the opportunity to improve themselves and in doing so, strengthen the United States. Later, Alexander served on the Commission on Human Relations of the City of Philadelphia from 1952 to 1958. In 1959, when her husband was appointed as a judge to the Court of Common Pleas in Philadelphia, Alexander continued to practice law until her retirement in 1982. She later died in 1989 in Philadelphia.
Friday, May 8, 2020
Customer Service Is Where It All Begins - 1753 Words
Customer service is where it all begins. It is from the moment of meeting a customer to the moment of saying goodbye. Customer service is the root to a successful business and one of the most important aspects. However, most businesses, of all kinds, lack good customer service and lacking good customer service can hurt a business in many ways. I am employed at David’s Bridal in Baton Rouge and have heard of many customer complaints. My solution to this problem takes three steps. When hiring, an interviewer should look for extensive experience in customer service, followed by very frequent customer service training among employees, and finally giving an incentive to employee for having good customer service and encourage them to continue.†¦show more content†¦The problem is employees are not going the extra mile to help their customers throughout the whole experience and process. (Kauffman) Every business relies on their customers coming back. Without brides, bridal go wns are not being sold. If employees cannot treat customers with half the attention they deserve, then there is a problem. The cause of bad customer service comes from employees not caring or being passionate. To some employees at David’s Bridal it is just a second job. Most people do not have a good tolerance for the energy it takes to be there one hundred perfect for their customer. Customers often have a short tolerance for patience and are not always very forgiving. Customer complaints can arrive from something a customer saw and or heard that they did not like. This can mean seeing employees look or act unprofessional or from an employee being rude and unhelpful. â€Å"’If we would treat customers like we would normally treat guests in our house, we d have a lot more business,’ West said.†(Jones) Another cause of bad customer service comes from the hiring process. There is a lack of clearness on the vision and expectations for the new employee. The problem can also root from new employees not seeing good examples from employees who have been at the company for some time. Sometimes new employees see current employees doing things they should not be doing and that will cause new employees to already slack. Not having good role
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Beginnings Free Essays
All great things In life start with an even greater beginning. When I was 12 years old I Joined my first competitive swim team; I swam for the downtown Suffolk YMCA. At first I only swam because of all of my friends that swam and I wanted to spend more time with them, but then realized how much more potential I had In swimming. We will write a custom essay sample on Beginnings or any similar topic only for you Order Now After that moment I started to become more and more dedicated to swimming. I began to realize the true competitive nature of swimming and I liked it. Swimming has become a big part of my life since then and the beginning is the most important part to all good decisions. I first started swimming to be with friends and to make new friends. After we were on the same team we started to challenge each other and race one another to see who was the fastest. That’s how I began to see the competitive nature of swimming. Nick Burton and Joey Kauffman are two guys I started racing me near the beginning of my swimming career and I still race them now to get better. My family always supported me when I went to my meets. My brother would be swimming In the same meet, he could be In the next event, but he always took time to cheer for me; Then, I started to do the same for him. My mom Is the only reason could even do swimming, without her I would never have had a ride to any practices. Karen Keenan was my first coach on ODDS; she is the reason I am where I am at today. The first team I ever joined the YMCA cancelled the entire swimming team program. I had a choice put in front of me: stop sports all together, Join ODDS, or find another mediocre swim team. I chose to Join ODDS; ODDS stands for Old Dominion Aquatic Club. Once I joined ODDS I began to practice more and more. I spent more and more and more energy on practices and I could feel myself getting better, so it was equivalent to a new beginning in my eyes. I was more prepared to race on a higher level and I wanted to. After I got my first tastes of true competition, all I wanted was more of It. I began to practice harder than I ever had before In order to get to the next level. The next level for me was to get 3 state championship time standards and make It to the high performance group. Once I made t there I did not stop I still wanted to get better and try my hardest; there is always a higher goal. My next goal was to make national standards; I did not stop there, my new goal is to make the US Open and race against the top athletes in this country. In Conclusion, Swimming is one of my greatest achievements; I only made it this far because of how I began in swimming. Beginnings are one of the most important parts of beginning something new, along with Influential people, A lot of dedication, and a strive to do more than you ever have before. Those key factors are the reasons some people get so good at what they do. Just always remember, Beginnings are Important. Beginnings By loggias All great things in life start with an even greater beginning. When I was 12 years more time with them, but then realized how much more potential I had in swimming. Supported me when I went to my meets. My brother would be swimming in the same meet, he could be in the next event, but he always took time to cheer for me; Then, I started to do the same for him. My mom is the only reason I could even do swimming, The first team I ever Joined the YMCA cancelled the entire swimming team Aquatic Club. Once I Joined ODDS I began to practice more and more. I spent more After I got my first tastes of true competition, all I wanted was more of it. I began to practice harder than I ever had before in order to get to the next level. The next level for me was to get 3 state championship time standards and make it to the high important. How to cite Beginnings, Papers
Monday, April 27, 2020
The Functions And History Of The Roman Senate Essay Example For Students
The Functions And History Of The Roman Senate Essay The Functions and History of the Roman SenateIn todays modern world representative government is the norm. Nearly all governments are ruled by their citizens via a republic or some other type of governing body. However, in the ancient world, this standard of democratic government had not yet taken hold; political control still belonged to the few elite, rich, and powerful persons and influential families. Thus, we have a contrast between governments of the ancient world and our modern day governments. In other words, the past generally denotes monarchy, empire, or absolute control. While modern government usually implies republic, voting, or democratic control. However, an analysis of Roman government reveals that it does not exactly fit purely into either mold of government. It was a mixture of many elements, democratic, monarchial, and aristocratic. The purpose of this report will be to provide a general overview of the structure, power, and function of one component of the Roman g overnment- that is, the Roman Senate. Also, this paper will serve to provide a historical context for the Senate, including both the origins and demise of this governmental body and will discuss the issues of class conflict as it related to the Senates power and jurisdiction. We will write a custom essay on The Functions And History Of The Roman Senate specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now There were three main components of the Roman Republic. The first of which represents the monarchial element surviving from when Rome had a king (this will be discussed in greater length and detail below). Two magistrates or consuls had ultimate civil and military authority. The two consuls held their office for one year (they were elected by Roman citizens) and then after their term had expired, entered the Senate for life. Each consul could veto the actions of the other, thus serving as a check for one individual gaining too much political power and therefore prevented (at least temporarily) the Republic from being undermined by a potential dictator. Their primary duties included leading the army, serving as judges, and having ceremonial religious duties. The next governmental institution, which represented the democratic element of the Roman Republic, are the Assemblies. These Assemblies were theoretically made up of all adult male Romans (the only exception is that they had to be present at the meetings). Their primary functions were the annual elections of consuls, approving or rejecting laws, and deciding issues of war and peace. One great flaw of this body was that the wealthier citizens voted first and thereby had a great influence on how the rest of the Assembly voted. Finally, we come to the focus of this report, that is, the Roman Senate. The Senate represented the aristocratic and elitist element of Roman government and was a collection of patrician citizens (the patrician/plebian conflict will be described in more depth later) who served as the legislative branch of the government as well as an advisory body. In the beginning of the Republic, the Senate contained 300 members, the members themselves were chosen from the patrician class, ex-consuls, and other officers who served for life. By the time that Julius Caesar gained power, the Senate’s membership had increased to nearly 800 people. Despite having a mostly advisory role, by the 3rd Century BC the Senate had been able to increase its influence and power. Some of the powers that it gained were that it prepared legislation to be put before the Assembly, it administered finances, dealt for foreign affairs, and supervised the official state religions. However, despite its increase in p ower, the Senate did not have the power to make laws, by only issue decrees known as Decreta or Senatus Consulta, which basically served as official recommendations and while they carried some weight, they still had no actual binding and legal authority. Another interesting aspect of the Roman Senate was that Senators received no pay for their services as government officials. During the republic, the most important activity for the small group of patrician families that controlled the Senate was the pursuit of political power for themselves, their family, and friends. A senator was expected to greet everyone warmly and by name, and was actually assisted by a slave called a nomenclator whose duty it was to memorize names and help identify people. .u8c3b4a353dc6c81afdc545087f1c87b9 , .u8c3b4a353dc6c81afdc545087f1c87b9 .postImageUrl , .u8c3b4a353dc6c81afdc545087f1c87b9 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u8c3b4a353dc6c81afdc545087f1c87b9 , .u8c3b4a353dc6c81afdc545087f1c87b9:hover , .u8c3b4a353dc6c81afdc545087f1c87b9:visited , .u8c3b4a353dc6c81afdc545087f1c87b9:active { border:0!important; } .u8c3b4a353dc6c81afdc545087f1c87b9 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u8c3b4a353dc6c81afdc545087f1c87b9 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u8c3b4a353dc6c81afdc545087f1c87b9:active , .u8c3b4a353dc6c81afdc545087f1c87b9:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u8c3b4a353dc6c81afdc545087f1c87b9 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u8c3b4a353dc6c81afdc545087f1c87b9 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u8c3b4a353dc6c81afdc545087f1c87b9 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u8c3b4a353dc6c81afdc545087f1c87b9 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u8c3b4a353dc6c81afdc545087f1c87b9:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u8c3b4a353dc6c81afdc545087f1c87b9 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u8c3b4a353dc6c81afdc545087f1c87b9 .u8c3b4a353dc6c81afdc545087f1c87b9-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u8c3b4a353dc6c81afdc545087f1c87b9:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: A Modern Macbeth EssayMeetings of the Senate were attended by the Senators themselves and magistrates (the consul for example) only. However, the public could gather by the open doors of the Senate. The meetings took place in the Curia Hostilia in the northwest corner of the Forum, but they could take place at any public place within the city limits of Rome. Senators sat on benches known as subselli, which ran down the long sides of the building, in no fixed order. The Senate met daily, and Senators were allowed to address the Senate on matters pertaining to state or foreign affairs. In fact, a main activity of the Senate was the debate of issues and many of the early sena tors were great orators and we have their words preserved for us today by contemporary historians. Cato the Censor, Cicero, and others sometimes swayed the opinion of the entire population of Rome with their fine rhetoric and persuasive arguments. The history of the Roman Senate goes back to before there was an accurate written history for Rome. The Senate was composed of leading citizens who were members of the original aristocratic families in the old Monarchy. The original purpose of this group was to advise the King. This worked well during the first two centuries of Rome’s existence when Rome was little more than a city-state built on seven hills and ruled by a king. The Senate originally had one hundred members chosen from amongst the Patrician class but the early kings soon increased its size to three hundred members. After the expulsion of the last king, Tarquinius Superbus, in 509 BC the Senate formed the main governing body of the Roman Republic. The two consuls, who took the place of the old monarchy, used the Senate as their official advisors and aristocratic (Plebian) supporters. This is the beginning of the Republic, and hence, Senatorial power and domination of the Roman GovernmentThe next series of event s that proved to be historically important regarding the Roman Senate occurred during 133 and 27 BC. During this time, the Republic was engaged in a constant series of civil wars, making up what many refer to as the Roman Revolution. Part of the reason for this was because during the Punic and Macedonian wars of the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC Rome had annexed Spain, Macedonia, Greece, the East, and North Africa. Thus Rome had come to control a vast empire and the Republic with its two consuls, Senate, and small group of magistrates was not an adequate government for an empire of the size. In other words the Roman Republic was a form of government that worked well with a city-state or even a group of powerful city-states in control of a region, not a good government for maintaining a large empire (for this and because of this the empire would eventually rise)By 133 BC Roman politics had become extremely divided around two different factions in the Senate. The first group was the suppor ters of the aristocracy, the patricians, who supported the wealthy senatorial class. The other group trying to get political power was interested in the interest of the plebeians and known as the Populares. The Populares demanded the redistribution of land to peasants as well as a reform of the voting procedure. The struggle between these two factions resulted in civil war when the Senate ordered the assassination of Tiberius Gracchus in 133 BC. Gracchus had been elected as a high ranking magistrate and had proposed a law that would divide the land and give it to the plebian citizens of Rome. The Senate, looking out for the interests of the patricians, stopped such a law from being passed and killed Gracchus and 300 of his followers. Following this incident, Gaius Gracchus, Tiberius’ brother took up the cause that his brother had fought for. He demanded that the Senate’s power should be lessened, the military pay rates should be increased, and give free grain to the ci tizens of Rome. The Senate would not even consider such action so they declared martial law. Because of this, riots broke out and 3000 Populares, along with Gaius, were killed. From this point on, the corruption of the Senate was obvious and the respect of the Senate by the citizens severely declined. This was the first blow to the Senate that would eventually bring about the end of the Republic. .u50c954f222403fced25c80434f21ea18 , .u50c954f222403fced25c80434f21ea18 .postImageUrl , .u50c954f222403fced25c80434f21ea18 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u50c954f222403fced25c80434f21ea18 , .u50c954f222403fced25c80434f21ea18:hover , .u50c954f222403fced25c80434f21ea18:visited , .u50c954f222403fced25c80434f21ea18:active { border:0!important; } .u50c954f222403fced25c80434f21ea18 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u50c954f222403fced25c80434f21ea18 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u50c954f222403fced25c80434f21ea18:active , .u50c954f222403fced25c80434f21ea18:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u50c954f222403fced25c80434f21ea18 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u50c954f222403fced25c80434f21ea18 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u50c954f222403fced25c80434f21ea18 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u50c954f222403fced25c80434f21ea18 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u50c954f222403fced25c80434f21ea18:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u50c954f222403fced25c80434f21ea18 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u50c954f222403fced25c80434f21ea18 .u50c954f222403fced25c80434f21ea18-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u50c954f222403fced25c80434f21ea18:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Neanderthal EssayThe early years of the 1st BC the long period of civil war that began with the struggle mentioned above reached a climax with Octavian’s defeat of Marcus Antonius at the Battle of Actium in 31 B. C. During that period, the Senate steadily lost power to the imperators, or generals of large Roman armies who controlled the government. In 27 B. C., the Senate voluntarily gave much of its power to Octavian, whom they had given the title of Augustus Caesar. While most of the early emperors tried to involve the Senate in the governing process and actively sought its counsel, most of the Senate’s real power was gone by the reign of Tiberius. Thus, th e Battle of Actium marketed the end of the Roman Republic and consequently, the end of the Roman Senate’s power. Rome is said to have had at one point during its history a republic, this is true, but it was definitely a limited one. For example, in theory, all citizens of Rome could vote for the Senators and serve in the Assembly. However, all citizens does not imply all people. Far from this democratic-sounding system, the only people considered to be full citizens were everyone in Rome with the exception of women, slaves, foreigners, those living in the provinces, and the plebeians. Obviously, this was an incredible portion of the population that was not technically citizens, and thus, a huge segment of the population deprived of political rights or representation. Despite the inherent un-democratic system present in Republican Rome, one cannot say that its contributions to our modern ideas of democracy were insignificant. Quite to the contrary, examples of the Roman Senate’s influence can be found right here in our own government. For example the upper house in our legislative branch is called the ‘senate’, our republic was also established by a constitution (as was the Roman’s), the president (our modern ‘consuls’) is also advised by and is subject to our own senate, and America’s founding fathers drew extensively on Roman theories and models of government when deciding how to establish our present system. The ancient Roman Senate’s connection to the modern world is obvious, and its modern day significance is as well. The influence of the Roman Senate is just one example of how the ancient Roman’s society has affected nearly all spheres of modern life. Government Essays
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